Monty Sanders

Girl Dad since 2018

What about being a girl dad brings you the most joy?

Watching Emmerson play Disney princess dress up and want to paint her nails bright colors and all the girly things that have nothing to do with basketball. It’s a completely different experience from anything in my childhood and it’s awesome!… but kinda expensive… does that get better? 

What about being a girl dad scares you the most?

That someday she is going to be a teenager being pursued by $h*t head boys like I was at 16 🤦🏾‍♂️… still floating the idea of sending her to a Monastery once she starts wearing clothes not appropriate for southern Baptist bible study. 

When was the first moment you realized you might not have all the answers when it comes to raising a girl? 

The day we got home from the hospital…

Page: Hey are you ready to change Emmerson’s diaper for the first time?

Me: I was born ready

Page: Ok just make sure you wipe front to back. 

Me: huh

Page: Monty

Me: huh

Page: wow

Me: huh

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far that you’d like to share with the GDU community?

The way most people talk about parenting vs ACTUAL parenting, often do not line up in my experience. My goal is to tell the truth through this podcast to this community so that when you buy the wrong sized diapers, or warm up the formula too much, or make the wrong comment to your postpartum wife, or any of the 1 million mistakes your are CERTAIN to make, you don’t feel alone! We are in this together, one cheat code at a time! 

What is your favorite thing to do with your girl?

Watch Disney princess movies or go grocery shopping and see how many things NOT on the list we can get from Trader Joe’s without making mommy mad!

Which term best describes your role in the organization that is your family? Intern, mid-level manager, CEO

100% without a doubt, INTERN.  Hoping to get hired full time after graduation but I keep failing the Comms classes… 🤷🏾‍♂️