Griffin Coxe

Girl Dad x2 since 2016

What about being a girl dad brings you the most joy?

It keeps me in check being a girl dad. I can’t just default to things I like and expect them to enjoy it too. As much as I want them to be sports nuts, and they are fans of teams, they just want to be girls. Dance, wear make up, and dresses. They just want to be girly but also always want me there. “You got it kid, pass me the red nail polish.”

What about being a girl dad scares you the most?

Ages 12-25. They won’t adore me anymore or at a minimum won’t want to show it. There will be boys, emotions, and a social life in the mix that’ll be more important.

When was the first moment you realized you might not have all the answers when it comes to raising a girl? 

That’s a daily struggle and I live in a house full of women so I’m reminded of that constantly.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far that you’d like to share with the GDU community?

You think they want to get all their direction from their mom because she’s the female in the house but they are watching you. Need you for guidance but don’t forget they’re kids and don’t be afraid to act like one too.

What is your favorite thing to do with your girls?

Watching them play with one another. I want to be there and join in the fun but seeing their bond is my greatest joy. However, they’re sisters so that bond only shows itself in a loving way about 60% of the time.

Which term best describes your role in the organization that is your family? Intern, mid-level manager, CEO

Mid-level manager. Couple years of experience and have some knowledge to help others, but can’t make the big decisions and first to be fired if there are layoffs.